It's outrageous...
unacceptable... and I can no longer sit by and watch it
happen! Everyday, unsuspecting people are being taken
advantage of by insurance companies and annuity
salespeople and something has to be done about it...
People need to know
the truth---THE WHOLE TRUTH!
If you're thinking
about buying an annuity or if you own an annuity, then
this is the most important letter you'll ever read.
Here's why:
In an industry that's
supposed to help you protect your financial future,
it's shocking to see how much misguidance, poor judgment, and flat
out lying that's going on.
All this is done in
order for greedy salespeople and insurance companies to
sell some of the highest commissioned products in the
industry---And they're counting on you NEVER finding
out what they really sold to you!!!
And by the way, if
you're convinced that 'your' agent would never steer
you wrong---then think again. Even if your agent had
the best of intentions, very few salespeople even fully
understand the annuities they're selling. Your agent
may be a good-hearted and well intentioned person, but
if he isn't fully aware of what he's selling you, or
he's been misled by the insurance company (like many
are) YOU end up being the victim. On the other hand,
your agent may be more worried about his paycheck than
about you, where again, you end up on the losing end of
the deal.
So who is
benefiting from this outright deception?
Sales agents and
insurance companies.
And it's costing
you financial security - the very thing annuity sellers
promise their products provide.
Make no mistake.
If you thinkthat you know your
annuity because the agent explained it to you, then
most likely... YOU DON'T. The sad truth is that you'll
probably never be made aware until it's too late...WAY
me explain...
My name is Tony
Bahu and I'm 35 years old. I'm a loving husband to my
beautiful wife and devoted father to my 2 young
children. You've probably never heard of me before
this...and that's okay. By the time you're done reading
this letter, you'll be very glad that you now HAVE
heard of me.
I am a former
annuity agent who previously helped many men, women and
families choose the right type of annuity for their
I'm a people person
who used to enjoy meeting new folks and assisting them
in choosing an annuity that would be the right fit for
them and their family.
As much as I loved doing
it while I did it, I realized that I had a serious
problem with many people in the financial service
industry---especially the insurance
They weren't
helping people...they
were hurting people and hurting them badly.
I was
shocked to realize the truth behind the insurance
companies, the products they were selling, and the
people selling annuities.
companieswere feeding agents
half truths. They were making some annuities look so
good in the brochure while underneath it all, they were
truly products that would end up being a bad deal for
the consumer---and great ONLY for the insurance
companies and the agents selling them.
productswouldn't always live up
to the expectations of the consumer (there is a very
specific reason insurance companies can get away with
this and we will tell you exactly why and how)---in
fact, in recent years, many of these insurance
companies have been involved in class action lawsuits
for numerous reasons over their annuities (this
includes one of the largest and most well respected
rated companies in the industry). And what's even more
surprising was that the products that were the worst
for the consumer would invariably be the ones that paid
the highest commissions and the ones agents would be
most excited about selling. Furthermore, often times,
even the good products were being misused and sold to
the wrong people.
finally, manyinsurance
agents---some knowingly and
many unknowingly, would provide their clients with
'biased' and wrong information either because they
didn't know better or because they did know better but
didn't care. At times, the agent would be ignorant due
to the insurance company painting such a rosy picture
of the product. On the contrary, at other times the
agent would be VERY aware that the product would not be
suitable but didn't care because the commissions would
be so high.
fact as I exposed this information, insurance companies
began retaliating by denying me
appointments to sell their products. It seemed to me,
they didn't want to have someone like me in the
industry who could provide you with this never before
exposed information that has made them fortunes. My
choice was either to stop providing this information
and to keep selling annuities, or to get out and do the
right thing. I believed in my message so much there
was really only one choice.
I decided I would rather be on the outside providing
accurate and valuable information to people like you
who needed it to make good educated decisions instead
of decisions based on false pretenses. I found a new
way to continue to help people. TO REALLY HELP
The big challenge
in the industry is that the pay is VERY high for
someone who can sell annuities and the bigger the
commission, the bigger the temptation to sell an
annuity even if it's WRONG for you! The insurance
companies have deep pockets and can afford to pay these
agents handsomely in exchange for the opportunity to
part you from your hard earned money. It wouldn't be
so bad if the consumer was aware of EVERYTHING up front
and could make an educated decision. However, that's
almost NEVER the case.
As a result, YOU
end up paying for it. The reward per sale is so high
(and I reveal just how agents get paid in my report)
that MANY agents will do anything to make the sale from
omitting important information (they claim what you
don't know won't hurt you) to flat out lying.
Again, there are
agents out there that simply don't understand the
annuities they sell. So they sell you something even
they don't fully comprehend---something
they were hyped up on by insurance companies who pay
them handsomely to push. Whether your agent lied to
you or just doesn't fully understand the annuity they
sold you, the outcome is the same...YOU
It's a real
A bad or unsuitable
annuity can cost you tens to hundreds of thousands of
dollars, and can hurt you and your loved ones that you
hoped to one day benefit from your hard work and life's
With that said,
please read on to learn more about the 'Annuities:
The Shocking Truths Revealed.' By the end of this page,
you will have the opportunity to download a copy of the
report that has the industry up in arms. This report
will simply expose the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. More importantly, it will arm
you with EVERYTHING you ever needed in order to make
good decisions. Bottom line, there is nothing
available on the internet today that exposes more than
this nearly 100 page report does. Plain and simple, it
is completely unrivaled. And once again, if you
already own an annuity and are dissatisfied for any
reason, we have a special program that may be able to
help you recover your money and damages.
The remainder of
this page is dedicated to describing EXACTLY what this
report has to offer. If you choose to order it, I am
confident you will not regret it. We have saved
hundreds of people from making the wrong decision
regarding their precious financial futures.
Furthermore, if you do order it, you can call me to
discuss anything you have read in the book. I answer
my phone, return my messages (and e-mails), and enjoy
talking with people about this topic. Good luck with
your investing and saving endeavors and I hope you find
this as useful as many people across the country

Tony Bahu

After reading your document I can
honestly say that you are going to make
a lot of people in our industry angry!
Job well done my friend. This
information has been quiet for too long
and I for one am glad that you're
letting the public in on the secret
ways that clients get hurt in this
I'm recommending "The Shocking Truths"
to all of my clients as a must read and
I'm confident that it will save them
thousands of dollars and years of
Thanks for the great work.
-- William Harwell,
Annuity Agent, Detroit MI
"Your report was most useful in keeping
a friend from buying something totally
unsuited to her situation and knowing
just how greedy the young seller
-- William David
Turnbull, Colorado Springs, CO |
"I have never seen such a concise and
fact-filled treatment on the subject of
annuities and how to determine which,
if any, is the right one to own.
Some agents will recommend a specific
annuity strategy to their clients
because it suits the client's needs.
What I mostly see, however, are
innocent people who were either sold
the wrong kind of annuity or who
shouldn't have been sold an annuity at
How can the client be expected to make
an informed decision if the agent
doesn't understand what he's selling or
isn't truthful? Tony, I hope your
"Shocking Truths" either educates every
consumer or reveals every agent in
-- Alan
Strebeck, Financial Advisor (Las Vegas,
NV) |
Until now, the
truth about how agents and insurance companies rake in
big profits while hurting the consumer has NEVER been
revealed in a way we are exposing it.
Don't get me wrong,
even The Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Smart
Money, Forbes, and other reputable sources have written
limited information exposing the issues concerning
annuities. Even Dateline NBC had a limited documentary
(Tricks of the Trade) exposing some of the deception in
the industry. HOWEVER, until AnnuityMD, there has not
been a COMPREHENSIVE resource to
really helpconsumers to fully
understand what they were sold and to recover their
money when they were sold an unsuitable or bad product.
difference is WHAT we do for
you;it's not
just words or an opinion that your broker (who is
trying to earn and protect his commission) will argue
against. AnnuityMD can put in your hands, the revealed
secrets about your annuity and what you weren't
told-powerfully and clearly-so you will know what to
trust and make sure that you aren't ripped off. And if
you have been, put you in the best position to get your
money back.
These secrets are
only known to a few the people in the industry.
get me wrong... there are plenty of hard working and
honest agents out there that care about their clients.
Furthermore, annuities can be a sensible choice if the
right product is chosen and it is used properly.
However, I see time
and time again customers that were told one thing and
the truth of the matter is entirely different. Quite
frankly... it's very disturbing.
agents unfortunately are not trained to properly
analyze annuities or know whether a particular annuity
is good for you--rather they are well trained to sell
you. I repeat once again annuities may be a sensible
choice to achieve your financial goals when used
properly---BUT THEY CAN BE A COSTLY MISTAKE when bad
products are sold to you or good ones are misused.
People NEED to
understand and be educated so that they can protect
themselves from falling prey to these
I've let the cat out
of the bag.
I've created a breakthrough exposé report and made it
available to the public for the first time as a
downloadable product. Meaning that you can have it in
your hands in the next 3 1/2 minutes after deciding to
own it. No shipping and no waiting.
The report breaks down in simple to understand language
exactly how unassuming and innocent people are being
lied to, manipulated, and hurt by agents and insurance
companies. It does not contain anything that insurance
companies and agents DON'T know---just what they DON'T
WANT you to know.
Here to Download Now!
Again, if you currently own an annuity
or thinking of owning an annuity, you MUST read this!
- The truth about how agents get paid and why
insurance companies don't want you to know.
- The annuity you MUST own (if you're going to
buy one).
- Getting Out of the Annuity You Are In Without
Tax Consequences.
- What Your Agent Never Told You About the Return
- 'Medicaid
friendly' annuities. You were told that your annuity is
medicaid friendly... don't fall
for the hype... I'll explain what's really
going on.
- The one annuity you should almost NEVER own-- unless you are a
dying gambler!
- Everything that you need to know about
annuities. Knowing and understanding this will
save you thousands and thousands of dollars
before you ever sit down and talk with an
annuities agent.
- Why a 'minimum guarantee' can do more harm than
- How your annuity is being double
taxed and what you can do about it.
- How to use minimum guarantees to your
advantage and why not understanding this can
hurt you.
- Exactly
what you need to know about the 'index
annuity' and what your agent isn't
telling you.
- When an annuity becomes your worst nightmare-- don't let
this happen to you.
- The differences between a fixed and variable
annuity and the pros and cons of each.
- 'Minimum
Guarantees'... these can work for or
against you. You'll learn exactly what to
look for.
- The 'right' questions to ask your
agent so that you get exactly what you need.
- How to get an insurance company to send you a
check every month-- it's not what you think!
- Why you
may be losing up to 40% or more of your
return by purchasing a mutual fund
through an annuity and why mutual funds outside of
a variable annuity will just about always
outperform the same mutual fund in a variable
annuity. Failing to understand this is like
throwing your hard earned money out the window.
- Have you heard of a 'living
benefit'? This is when an insurance
company promises you that they will give you a
certain percentage if the market declines. I'll
reveal the one thing that they FAIL
TO TELL YOU and why it could take you 20
years to get your money from the day you're ready
to pull your investment out.
- How to realize gains without
paying taxes.
- The benefit that pays your beneficiaries
20%-40% on top of the gains you make at the
time of your death. Now this one can be a good
thing or a bad thing. I warn you to watch out for
the cost of this feature and why you may be paying
for something that you'll never get.
- One way to leave your beneficiaries more
money than your annuity's cash value. This
alone can change the lives of your loved ones after
your passing-- this one tip alone will amaze you.
- The ONLY way tomitigate
surrender charges-- you'd better
understand this one!
- Many agents sell annuities by saying that you
won't have surrender charges, but I tell you the
truth and what
to ask to avoid being burned.
- How
to avoid the tax time bomb. A perfectly
legal way to save tens of thousands of dollars by
not paying income tax on your annuity gains.
- The
two things that your annuity better have--
this little gem can be a gold mine for seniors.
- How to possibly get out of your existing annuity
in much better shape than had you held it to its
NOW---Where to go to receive a
personal annuity evaluation to tell you
whether you own a PASS or FAIL annuity. This will
give you the whole story about the annuity you
currently own and access to possible help to
recover your money (if appropriate).
And That's Just
The Beginning. There's much more:
Click Here
To Download Now!
- The key ingredient to tell
a good agent from a bad agent. It's your
hard earned money-- don't give it away because you
didn't know this critical information. As far as I
know, I'm the only one publicly and vocally
revealing this information and agents are not happy
about it.
- The 'death
benefit' trap. You'd better watch out for
this one!
- What to look out for so that you don't
lose money in a declining stock market.
This tip can be your best friend.
- How annuities may reduce or even eliminate
the income tax on your Social Security.
- Learn if the gains are taxable in your annuity
when passed to your beneficiary.
- The best way to
structure an annuity to minimize
your own personal taxes.
- A list of all the right questions you
better ask before buying an annuity.
- Discover techniques to eliminate estate
taxes and why almost nobody is doing
it correctly.
- How to have more spendable income.
- The Bogus Bonus. I explain in
detail how your agent and the insurance company may
try to manipulate you with this one. You'll learn
when the bonus will do you more harm then good.
- How to protect your
estate from long term health care costs.
Doing this wrong will cost thousands.
- Ways to pass more money to your
children-- you don't want to miss this one.
- How to take advantage of some of the upside of
- Learn if you're
in danger of the IRS 'tax time bomb' that could
rob you of 50% or more of your money!
- Beware of the 10% annual
withdrawal. I show you how you can
be penalized and why the annuities with the least
amount of liquidity don't necessarily have the best
performance and one solution to this dilemma.
- How toincreaseyour current
annuity value by
much as 300%
Click Here To Download
The information that I
reveal has agents in my industry outraged. They cannot
understand why I would do such a thing! The truth of
the matter is simple-- innocent people are being hurt.
I can't sit back with a clear conscience and watch it
Ideally, your annuity should be a good deal for your
bank, the insurance company AND MOST IMPORTANTLY
Unfortunately, this is not
often the case---with your interest coming in DEAD
LAST. This is an area where what you don't know
really can hurt you!
If you
own an annuity, then
the following questions have to be answered:
- What
interest rates are you currently getting and are
they competitive?
- Are the interest rates getting
- What
is the rating of your insurance company?
- What are your surrender charges?
- Is
your principal ever at risk?
- What retirement & income options
does your annuity have? Are any of them worth
- Is
your annuity Medicaid Friendly?
- Did you properly designate your
beneficiary, annuitant and ownership of your
annuity? Getting this wrong can be VERY
- How safe is your
annuity really?
- What type of return your annuity is
designed to pay?
- How
will you annuity be taxed to you and your
beneficiaries? Did your agent fail to optimize
your money to counter the special and adverse
annuity tax rules?
- How does your annuity fit into your
overall financial plan?
These are just a few
of the issues and problems I encounter every day. I'm
sure that at least one will apply to you. And you
could probably benefit from all of them. And one or
more of the answers from above may be distressing. And
most importantly, we tell you where to go for an
objective, expert opinion of your annuity and your
specific situation.
Not only will you
learn the right questions to ask, how to decide what
type of annuity is best for your needs, and how to
avoid falling prey to the vultures out there, but it's
explained in down-to-earth, everyday language that is
simple to understand.
If you rely solely on the annuity salesperson for
information, chances are that you will make an
expensive mistake. His "free" advice is often worth
even less than what you pay for it!
Please Read On
people who own an annuity were
often misled or flat out lied
to. Because of this, they are
stuck in a situation where the
annuity they own is 'holding
them hostage' either because
they are losing money, can't
get their money out, or aren't
making the money they should be
making. The unfortunate part
is that, in the past, there has
not been much recourse for
annuity owners. The
arbitrations or settlements
often come down to 'if you
signed it, you should have
known what you were signing.'
In other words, no recourse for
you as the consumer.
that doesn't have to be the
case anymore. Because of what
happened to me, I searched and
found THE BEST resources for
upset Annuity Owners. These
are the resources you need to
have recourse against the big
bad insurance companies.
as part of your 'Shocking
Truths Package', we will give
you access to an Annuity
Recovery Program to determine
the suitability of what was
sold to you. If you qualify
and it is deemed that you were
mailiciously sold a product
that isn't right for you, or if
you just simply own something
that is unsuitable for you, you
may be entitled to a return of
your principal and sometimes
even damages.
private legal program is
offered exclusively through and not anywhere
else. The objective is to get
you the best and most unbiased
information on annuities. In
addition, it's to give you
access to resources that will
assist you in making sure you
make good decisions when it
comes to purchasing (or not
purchasing) an annuity by
helping you to avoid the myriad
of mistakes investors have made
regarding annuities, or to
assist you in getting out of
your unsuitable annuity.
if you are an unsatisfied
annuity owner, not only will
you get everything mentioned on
this site, but you will also be
given access to this 'Annuity
Recovery Program' along with
your purchase of 'Annuities:
The Shocking Truths
There is a lot of
misinformation about annuities - especially on the
Internet. It's almost always provided by someone in
the industry, particularly someone trying to sell you
an annuity. If you haven't experienced this yet, keep
searching and you will learn how true that statement
really is. From BIG insurance companies to independent
sites, it's hard to find the right unbiased information
you need.
Let me share what sets
us and our information apart.
INTEGRITY---We Won't Try to Sell You an
We are not a lead generation company. Neither I NOR
other product or investment. Most companies who offer
any sort of annuity "information" (or misinformation)
are usually just trying to sell you one. Our goal is
to get correct information in your hands that will help
you avoid the mistakes many others have made. And if
you, like many others we have found, have been ripped
off, we can help you to recover your money.
2. At Your Service---We're Here for You.
Too many internet companies lose credibility because
they hide from their customers. You may need help, and
fast service is important to preserve your recovery
rights. AnnuityMD has dedicated customer support staff
ready to serve you. You can reach us anytime at:
Contact us by email here.
Despite my title, I'm
just a regular guy who's available to you personally.
Contact me by phone at 248-933-2033. This is my direct
line. I answer the phone myself when I'm around.
3. In Plain
English---This information is simple to understand.
Look, it does you no
good if this information is not simple to understand.
AnnuityMD materials are in everyday language so that
ANYONE can read it and comprehend what annuities are
and are not, and what's really going on in this
deceptive aspect of the industry.
It breaks it down. It
offers the pros and cons of the different types of
annuities so that you can decide what is best for you
and your family. And it shows you what steps to take
if you have been misled.
Some sales agents will
use complicated wording to try and confuse you so that
they can put you in an annuity that is best for THEM
(meaning, they'll make more money!) Others make it
sound so simple (which annuities are far from). Either
way, these tactics are cleverly crafted to get you to
You'll know EXACTLY
what to look out for after owning this book and nobody
will be able to pull the wool over your eyes.
USEFUL---Whether you're considering annuities, or if
you own an annuity, and are trying to figure out what
to do, this is for you.
information is for anybody who owns an annuity or who
is thinking of buying one. The information contained
in this product will help you make good decisions---AND
I'm not
saying that you haven't made good decisions in past.
I'm telling you that I know this industry, the
products, and the people and companies involved. I
know what agents are out there saying to individuals
just like you. Bottom line... you just may not know
your annuity as well as you think. Your agent might
have told you some things... but don't you want to be
sure that what they said is true?
It only
makes sense, doesn't it?
If you're
not protecting yourself, then nobody else will.
5. You get INSTANT ACCESS to
this information.
information is just a mouse click away. After you
click the download link, you will be directed to a
private download page where you'll download your copy
of my book. No waiting. You'll have this money saving
information in your hands minutes after deciding to
take action.
Here is
exactly what to expect when you order my product:
1) You click the "Download Now" button at the bottom of
this letter.
2) You fill out the required information and hit
3) You are automatically brought to the download
4) Click "download" and open the file.
You are
now on the path to understanding annuities as well or
better than your sales agent and you'll be protected
from unethical salespeople and bad annuities. You'll
have the knowledge that only people in the industry
Why not
get started right
6. Find out the truth about
how agents get paid and how insurance companies make
money by selling annuities.
You may
be able to find some outdated book at the bookstore
that will bore you with complicated language and a
bunch of fluff about the different types of annuities,
but this book is the only one that you'll find that
breaks down and uncovers what's really going on. Note:
Most of those books are written by so called
'financial experts who in reality have ulterior motives
to do so (i.e. SELL YOU AN ANNUITY).
Sure, you
could call up your agent (if you have one) and try to
pry this information from them. However, people in this
profession (even when they know these secrets) are so
tight-lipped about what I share with you, that you'll
never get it out of their mouth... never ever!
7. This information is
practical and not theoretical---And it's in plain
So many products out
there explain annuities in theory, but never give you
everyday practical advice that you can use. This
information is the bottom line on annuities.
You'll learn the most
practical solutions to your needs. This is where you
can be a winner when it comes to annuities.
And most importantly,
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IT. It is not written from an
"agent's" point of view but rather from the consumer's
point of view and it is written in plain English and
not in 'industry jargon.'
Where else can you get this valuable
Remember, the agent
and insurance companies want you to BUY PRODUCT and
won't share the practical but only the theoretical hype
surrounding the product. AnnuityMD wants you to choose
your future wisely and provides you practical
information that you can use RIGHT NOW to make the best
8. I don't promise you'll make
the absolutely best financial decision or other
I don't promise or
imply you'll make the absolute best decision even after
reading this. I don't know you, your background or
anything else about you. So how could I promise such a
thing? If I tried to guarantee that, I'd be lying.
That's b.s.
However, annuities can
be one of the best or worst vehicles to you reaching
your financial goals. You'll learn to avoid them when
it doesn't make sense and to use them properly if you
do decide to use them. Furthermore, if you already own
one, you'll learn if you made the right choice and what
to do if you didn't!!!
Furthermore, we give
you access to WMi to analyze the annuity you have
purchased or thinking of buying.
This information is
invaluable. You'll know and understand the inside
information that only people in the industry are privy
to. Also, you'll get special access to a comprehensive
analysis to make the best decision regarding YOUR
specific annuity.
9. This is not some 5 page
brochure talking about annuity basics.
This is a fully packed documentary that delivers every
little bit of information promised on this site. It is
deep and full of detail. Unlike almost every 'free'
offer on the internet, it's not designed to entice you
to call us and buy an annuity (WE DON'T SELL THEM).
It's also not some 5 page poorly designed brochure. It
has been around for YEARS and is still proudly being
offered to consumers like yourselves to assist you in
making the best decision about your financial future.
10. We have put this product
in the hands of many people and have had phenomenal
feedback and results.
This information has helped consumers
avoid costly mistakes. Our testimonials are here for
you to see. We include first and last name (and
require it in order to post a testimonial). In fact,
please feel free to contact us after getting your copy
and testify to others what your experience has been.
Read below what others like you have said about our
About 'The Shocking Truths'
By they way, please notice that all of our testimonials
include first name (or initial), last name, AND
location. Unlike many companies who place fictitious
names and stories in order to hype up their products,
WE only publish
testimonials of clients who allow us to use their REAL
full names and have REAL results.
If you are at this
page, chances are you are trying to make a decision
about an annuity right now. PLEASE DON'T LET A
Truths has helped many people avoid big mistakes and
make the best decision regarding their annuities.
People who already own this product have said they
would pay $1,000 because of the amount of money,
headache, and frustration that it has saved them! No
just one of these hush-hush secretsthat I reveal... may
you tens and tens of thousands of dollars and
save you years of grief and aggravation. Seriously, do
you know what it's like to own the wrong annuity?
When you own this product it will pay for itself one
thousand times over in the money that you'll save
alone! The money you will save and earn as a
direct result of this explosive detailed
information can pay you back 1,000 times your
paltry investment. What if you don't buy The Shocking
Truths and you end up making one of the mistakes that
could cost you thousands of dollars in your
My price isn't
cheap but it's worth it considering the benefits. It's
currently $99
(Please see special marketing test
Marketing Test:
offering a very limitedHALF-PRICE
DISCOUNT (only for a
couple days as a test). If you order my
product before Midnight,
, you can get your copy for only $49.
The price, however, is only good if you order
by this date. I'm doing this to see if the
increase in sales outweighs my lower profit
margin. If it doesn't, and you buy the product
after this date, expect to pay the normal price
of $99.
PLEASE (I'm asking nicely!) do not email me and
get upset if you try and order after this date
and I am no longer accepting orders at this
special HALF-PRICE
By the way, if you think this is expensive, ask
yourself how much making the wrong decision will cost
you. Knowledge can be costly, but the price of ignorance is
In addition, you will get
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If you order by midnight, you'll
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